to success
since 1997

Our customers in chemical industry

INTECH GmbH / ИНТЕХ ГмбХ, Moscow, Russia supplies comprehensive projects and individual technical equipment and components to the following Customers in CIS countries in chemical industry.

Plant name Scope of activity
Company EuroChem / Компания ЕВРОХИМ Moscow, Russia
The largest producers of nitrogen fertilizers in Russia. Some products include: ammonia, carbamide (urea), ammonium nitrate, carbomide-ammonium mixture, urea-ammonium nitrate solution, NPK, acetic acid, methanol, ammophos, feed phosphates, diammonium phosphate, apatite concentrate, baddeleyite concentrate, etc.
OJSC Belorechenskie Minudobrenia / ОАО Белореченские Минудобрения Belorechensk, Krasnodar Region, Russia
Part of EUROCHEM Holding Company. The plant produces a wide range of products, including phosphate fertilizers and compound mineral fertilizers (ammophos, diammonium phosphate, sulfoammophos, NPK, fertilizer mixtures, wet-process phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid).
CJSC SIBUR HOLDING / ОАО СИБУР холдинг Moscow, Russia.
Russia’s largest petrochemical holding company engaged in production of hydrocarbon feedstock - dry stripped gas (DSG), natural gas liquids (NGL), stable natural gasoline (SNG), liquefied petroleum gases (LPG); basic polymers – polypropylene, HP and LP polyethylene; plastics and organic synthesis products – styrene, polystyrene, polymer compounds, ethylbenzene, alkohols, ethylene oxide, ethylene glycols, polyethylene terephthalate, caustics; synthetic rubbers; mineral fertilizers – ammonia, carbamide, ammonium nitrate; tires and general mechanical rubber goods.
Kemerovo JSC AZOT / Кемеровское ОАО АЗОТ Kemerovo, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Mineral Fertilizers. The company produces caprolactam, mineral fertilizers – ammonium sulphate, carbamide (urea), ammonium nitrate, ammonium carbonate; ammonia, liquid carbon dioxide, formalin, sodium carbonate, sulfuric and nitric acids, ion exchange resins.
OJSC SIBUR-Neftekhim / ОАО СИБУР-Нефтехим Nizhny Novgorod Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. The company produces ethylene, propylene, benzene, ethylene oxide, monoethylated glycol, diethylene glycol, dichloroethane, plastics – PVC (polyvinyl chloride), caustic.
LLC Tomskneftekhim / ООО Томскнефтехим Tomsk, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. One of the largest producers of polypropylene, HP polyethylene, it also produces formalin, carbamide resins.
JSC Plastic / ОАО Пластик Uzlovaya, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. A manufacturer of polymer feedstock (styrene, polystyrene, ABS resins, ABS compounds) and polymer products– sheets, mouldings, profiles, tubes, polyethylene wrap, separators, vacuum formed products.
LLC Tobolsk-neftekhim / ООО Тобольск - Нефтехим Tobolsk, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. Processes natural liquid gases and produces butadiene, isobutylene, methyl-tert-butyl ether.
CJS SIBUR-Khimprom / ЗАО Сибур-Химпром Perm, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. The plant processes liquid hydrocarbons and produces petrochemical products, liquefied gases, 2-ethylhexanol, ethylbenzene, styrene, butyl alcohols, ethers and other liquid pyrolizates.
OJSC Sibur TumenGas / ОАО СибурТюменьГаз Nizhnevartovsk, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. TumeGas is engaged in production of associated petroleum gas (APG), dry stripped gas (DSG), natural gas liquids (NGL), stable natural gasoline.
JSC Gubkin gas processing plant / ОАО "Губкинский ГПК" Gubkinsky, Russia.
Part of OJSC Sibur TumenGas. Processes associated petroleum gas into dry stripped gas (DSG), liquid natural gases (LNG), propane, oxygen, fuel gas.
OJSC Noyabrsky Gas Processing plant / ООО "Ноябрьский ГПК" Noyabrsk, Russia.
Part of OJSC Sibur TumenGas. The enterprise comprises several compressor stations and transports associated petroleum gas.
LLC Zapsibtransgas / ООО "Запсибтрансгаз" Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
Part of OJSC Sibur TumenGas. Transports trunk gas and natural liquid gases (NLG).
LLC Yugragazpererabotka / ООО "Юграгазпереработка" Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
The enterprise was set up by Sibur and TNK-BP companies. The company processes associated petroleum gas into dry stripped gas(DSG) and natural liquid gases (NLG).
LLC Nizhnevartovsk Gas Processing plant / ООО Нижневартовский ГПК Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
Part of OJSC UgraGasPererabotka. Carries out processing, drying, compressing and transportation of associated petroleum gas.
LLC Belozerny Gas Processing plant / ООО Белозерный ГПК Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
Part of LLC UgraGasPererabotka. Processes associated petroleum gas (APG), compresses, dries and transports raw APG. It is comprised of Belozerny gas processing plant, Bakhilovskaya compressor station, Varyegan gas processing plant.
LLC Nyagan Gas Processing / ООО Няганьгазпереработка Nyagan, Russia
Part of LLC UgraGasPererabotka. Processes associated petroleum gas and produces dry stripped gas(DSG), stable natural gasoline (SNG), industrial propane / butane.
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. High-molecular polymer production.
OJSC SIBUR Russian Tires / ОАО СИБУР-Русские шины Moscow, Russia
Part of OJSC SIBUR Holding Company. One of the largest tire manufacturers in Russia.
OJSC Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers / ОАО Воскресенские минеральные удобрения Voskresensk, Russia
Produces ammophos, diammonium phosphate, sulfuric acid, oleum, wet-process phosphoric acid, orthophosphoric acid. Part of JSC Uralchem Holding P.L.C.
OJSC AZOT, Berezniki
OJSC Mineral Fertilizer plant of Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical plant, Kirovochepetzk / ОАО АЗОТ Березники

ОАО Завод минеральных удобрений Кировочепецкого химичекого комбината
The plants produce ammonia, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate, nitrochalk, calcium ammonium nitrate, carbamide ( urea ), nitrophosphate, ammophos, diammonium phosphate, sulfoammophos, diammophozka, NPK and NPKS, nitroammophos, prilled carbamide, nitric acid, sodium nitrite, liquid and gaseous argon, liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide and oxygen dioxide, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, strontium carbonate, etc. Part of JSC Uralchem Holding P.L.C.
LLC Balakovo Mineral Fertilizers / ООО Балаковские минеральные удобрения Balakovo, Russia
Part of «PhosAgro» Holding. Produces sulfuric acid, wet-process phosphoric acid, ammophos, feed monocalcium phosphate кормового, sodium silicofluoride, sodium bisulfite, oleum.
OJSC Cherepovetsky Azot / ОАО Череповецкий АЗОТ Cherepovets, Russia
Part of «PhosAgro» Holding. Produces ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, nitrogen prooxide, diethylbenzene, calcium carbide and foamed polyurethane products.
OJSC Shchekinoazot / ОАО ЩекиноАЗОТ Shchekino, Russia
Produces main chemical products, including methanol, caprolactam, sulphur acid, ammonia, ammonium sulphate, oxygen, carbonic acid, polyаmide, carbon dioxide gas, secondary polypropylene, soda ash, etc.
OJSC KuibyshevAzot / ОАО КуйбышевАзот Togliatti, Russia
Produces ammonia, ammonium nitrate, carbamide-ammonia mixture, ammonium sulphate, caprolactam, caprolon, polymide, cyclohexanone, soda ash, argon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.
OJSC Metafrax / ОАО МЕТАФРАКС Gubaha, Perm region, Russia.
Russia’s top producer of methanol and methanol products. Apart from methanol, the company produces formalin, carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate, pentaerythritol, sodium formate, urotropine, polyamide, lining lath, etc.
OJSC Kamteks-Khimprom / ОАО Камтекс-Химпром Perm, Russia.
Some products include: phthalic anhydride, dioctylphthalate, fumaric acid.
OJSC Grodno Azot / ОАО Гродно Азот Grodno, Republic of Belarus
Grodno Azot produces liquid and gaseous nitrogen, ammonia, crystallized hydroxylamine sulfate, carbon dioxide, caprolactam, carbamide, carbamide-аmmonia mixture, corrosion inhibitor, copper-magnesium catalyst, oxygen, nitric and sulfuric acids, ammonium sulfate, methanol, soda ash fusion, biodiesel fuel, etc.
OJSC Sayanskkhimplast / ОАО Саянскхимпласт Sayansk, Russia
The plant manufactures suspended polyvinyl chloride (PVC-S) and PVC products, caustic soda, bleaching agents, corrugated pipes , etc.
AB ACHEMA / AB ACHEMA Jonava, Republic of Lithuania
The enterprise is engaged in production of ammonia, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, calcined ammonium nitrate, carbamide, carbamide-ammonia mixture, small packaged blended fertlizers, corrosion inhibitor, formalin, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide ice, oxygen, nitrogen, gas mixtures, polyvinyl acetate, regular nitric acid, etc.
ILIM Group
OJSC PO Ust-Ilimsky LPK
/ Группы "ИЛИМ"
ОАО "ПО УСТЬ-Илимский ЛПК"
ОАО "Братский ЛПК"
St. Petersburg, Russia
Ust-Ilimsk, Russia
Bratsk, Russia
Manufacturer of cardboard and paper.
OJSC Ammofos Maxam / ОАО Аммофос-Максам Almalyk, Uzbekistan
A manufacturer of multiple nitrogen phosphorus fertilizers. Producer of ammophos, superphos – NS, ammonium-phosphate-sulfate, ammonium sulfate, feed ammonium phosphates, sodium phosphate, sulfuric acid etc.
OJSC MAXAM-Chirchiq (former Elektrkimyosanoat) / ОАО МАКСАМ-Чирчик (MAXAM-Chirchiq бывш. Elektrkimyosanoat) Chirchiq, Republic Uzbekistan
One of the largest producers of mineral fertilizers in Uzbekistan. Produces ammonia, carbamide, ammonium , nitrate ammonium sulfate, nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers, carbamide-ammonium mixture, ammonium carbonates, mixed fertilizers, nitric acid, UF-resin, carbamide resin, ammonia synthesis and carbon oxide conversion nickel and chromia-alumina catalysts.
OJSC Navoiyazot / ОАО Навоиазот (Navoiyazot) Navoi, Uzbekistan.
The plant produces ammonia, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, thiourea, oxygen, acetylene, carbon dioxide, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, acrylic acid methyl ether, acetone, argon, liquid chlorine, caustic soda, methanol, sodium hypochlorite, ammonium chloratum, sodium chlorine, formalin, carbamide resin, sodium cyanide, polyacrylamide, polyacrylic fiber and binders etc.
OJSC Farg’onaazot plant / Завод ОАО ФерганаАзот Ferghana, Republic Uzbekistan.
Manufactures ammonia, ammonium nitrate, carbamide, carbamide-ammonia mixture, magnesium chlorate liquefied or crystallized, amino-formaldehyde resin, cellulose diacetate, hypocloride mixture, sodium nitrate, sodium bicarbonate, acetate rayon fiber etc.