to success
since 1997

Distributor / authorized representative that deals with supply & delivery of waste incineration and disposal plants (incinerators) to industrial enterprises of Russia

Engineering company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), Russia, has been successfully working with a number of Russian industrial enterprises at the local market for more than 20 years. Since the company’s founding, it has acquired immense engineering experience, market reputation, and has realized more than a hundred large-scale projects at the industrial plants in Russia. Our company is continuously in search of new business partners, who consider Russian market investment-attractive and want to boost their sales in the region, as well as expand their field of activities and enter a new international level.

We are interested in cooperation with the manufacturers of waste incineration and disposal plants (incinerators), who are looking for an official and reliable distributor that deals with supply & delivery of their equipment to the industrial plants in Russia.

The company’s top management and sales team are well acquainted with the Russian market, its mentality and laws; they also understand industrial specifics of the financial and economic activities of the Russian customers. All our sales managers have a large customer database, extensive experience of successful sales and well-established connections with the potential buyers of your waste incineration and disposal plants (incinerators). This allows our managers to promptly set out the most promising directions for promotion and to ensure a rapid entry of the products into the promising Russian market. Our employees, who are fluent in English and German, are focused on working at the international market with the supplies of foreign equipment.

Our team of experienced engineers, who can handle the most serious technical problems, constantly keeps in touch with the Russian customers, holds meetings and delivers presentations regarding the latest achievements of our manufacturing partners. They point out the engineering challenges and actively communicate with all the departments at Russian plants. That is why the specifics of doing a business in the Russian Federation are well-known to us, and we also know the equipment of the local industrial plants and their up-to-date modernization needs.

Once we become your authorized representative in Russia, our marketing staff will carry out a market research in order to check the demand for waste incineration and disposal plants, will submit a market overview for incinerators that you offer and evaluate the needs for this type of equipment at local plants. Our specialists will also estimate the potential and capacity of this market at local industrial plants. Our IT-team will start developing a website for your products in Russian. Our experts will assess the conformity between your waste incineration and disposal plants and customer needs as well as analyze the common reaction to the new goods in general. We will look into the categories of potential customers, and pick out the largest and the most promising plants.

Upon becoming your authorized agent on the territory of Russia, ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), will obtain certificates, if required, for a batch of the goods, for various types of waste incineration and disposal plants (incinerators) in compliance with Russian standards. We can also arrange the inspection in order to obtain TR TS 010 and TR TS 012 Certificates. These certificates provides permission to operate your equipment at all industrial plants of the EAEU countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan), including the hazardous industrial facilities. Our company is eager to assist in issuing Technical Passports for incinerators as per Russian and other EAEU countries’ requirements.

Our engineering company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), collaborates with several Russian design institutes in various industrial segments, which allows us to conduct preliminary design as well as subsequent design works according to the standards, construction rules and regulations that are applicable in Russia and other CIS countries. It also enables us to include your waste incineration and disposal plants into the future projects.

The Company has its own logistics department that can provide packing service, handling as well as the most efficient and cost effective mode of transportation of the goods (incl. over dimensional and overweight goods). The goods can be delivered on DAP or DDP-customer’s warehouse basis in full compliance with all the relevant regulations and requirements that are applicable on the Russian market.

Our company has its own certified specialists who will carry out installation supervision and commissioning of the delivered equipment, as well as further guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance of incinerators. They will also provide necessary training and guidance for the customer’s personnel.

Waste (garbage) disposal – general description, classification

Wastes are the products of human activity in everyday life, transport, branches of industry and economy that are not used directly where produced, or used as feedstock in other industries or during their processing. They can include the remains of materials, feedstock wastes; residual semi-finished products formed as a result of product output and lose their useful physical qualities (fully or partially). The processing of feedstock, extraction and dressing of mineral resources, also generates the products considered as production wastes because the production was not aimed at the creation of these products. Decommissioned machines, various tools and household goods no longer usable for the intended purpose are known as consumption wastes.

The possible usage of wastes defines them as disposable or non-disposable. As for disposable wastes, there is a wide range of processing technologies, where the wastes are involved into economy or industry. As for non- disposable wastes, no such technologies exist today. The industrial wastes classifier, calculation in terms of hygienic values or an experimental approach defines which particular group the wastes relate to.

Wastes of all groups and classes are subdivided into:

  • solid-type;
  • pasteous;
  • liquid;
  • dusty (gaseous).

Unusable packaging (metal, wood, cardboard or plastic), wiping rags, used filter elements and materials, polymer tube trimmings, cable products remains can be classified as the solid-type wastes. The pasteous wastes include sludge, resin, filter cakes and sedimentation tanks after cleaning of heat exchanger tanks. The liquid wastes can include waste waters not subject to biological treatment due to their high toxicity. The dusty (gaseous) wastes are emissions from degreasing areas in metal working plants and during the equipment painting.

Based on chemical stability, wastes are subdivided into explosive, self-igniting, decomposing (with toxic gas release), and stable ones. Wastes are further subdivided into water-soluble and water-insoluble. By origin, wastes are subdivided into organic, inorganic and mixed ones. Industry wastes are often chemical wastes that are non-uniform composite mixtures consisting of polycomponents, having all possible physicochemical properties and can be chemically, toxically, corrosively, biologically as well as inflammably and explosively dangerous. Wastes can be classified by various characteristics: by their chemical characteristics, origin or their potential processing and further use. In Russia, chemical wastes are subdivided into four hazard classes depending on the costs for their processing and landfilling:

  1. Extremely hazardous. This class includes wastes containing mercury and its compounds as well as corrosive sublimate, potassium chromate and potassium cyanide, antimony. The toxicity of mercury compounds is imparted by the harmful effect of Hg2+ ion. Mercury enters organisms of humans and animals not in the form of ions but as a result of binding with protein molecules in blood, producing metalloproteins. In case of poisoning by the aforementioned substances, the functions of central nervous system are impaired and kidneys are damaged up to their complete failure resulting in death.
  2. Highly hazardous. This class includes wastes containing cuprous chloride, copper oxalate, antimony trioxide and lead compounds. Their toxicity is manifested as any poisoning process, in combination with anemia, stomach ulcer, changes in liver and kidneys, hemorrhage in internals, and death.
  3. Moderately hazardous. This class includes wastes containing lead oxides, nickel chlorides and carbon tetrachloride. Long exposure to an organism results in reduction of red blood cell number.
  4. Low-hazardous wastes containing magnesium sulfates, phosphates, zinc compounds. This class includes wastes produced in result of mineral dressing by flotation, where amines are used. Phosphate dust entering an organism leads to pneumosclerosis, contraction of bronchus and blood vessels. Skin contact with phosphates can result in dermatitis manifested by rash, burning and itching.
  5. Non-hazardous and non-toxic.

Nowadays, the problems related to environment protection represent one of the most urgent tasks for humankind. The amounts of atmospheric emissions from industrial enterprises are so high, that the pollution level limits set in sanitary norms are many times exceeded. Tons of wastes enter the biosphere in solid, pasteous, liquid, gaseous forms, immensely harming nature and undermining its resources. Therefore it became necessary to develop and implement new modern and safe methods of biosphere protection against pollution by industrial and consumer wastes. In order to choose the most efficient way of solving this problem, wastes are previously calculated and assessed.

Process methods and equipment for waste processing used for industrial wastes disposal involve the development of process technologies including:

  • Reduction of chemical pollutions of environment by toxic substances during the wastes disposal;
  • Improvement of wastes disposal and processing equipment, waste processing methods, atmospheric gaseous emissions and wastewater treatment methods.

The wastes not subject to processing and subsequent use as recycled feedstock, which require complicated and economically unfeasible processing or which exist in excessive quantity and are not subject to burning and cannot be neutralized, should be landfilled at special sites. It is reasonable to use specially arranged storages for landfilling of these wastes, in order to subsequently use the wastes in future. For industrial waste landfilling, reservoirs of geological formations such as granite, volcanic rocks, basalts, salt deposits, gypsum, dolomite, clay etc. can be used. These storages can be built separately or arranged in combination with mining production facilities. For such wastes storage, specific conditions shall be met:

  • Water impermeability of layers, and availability of water-bearing strata over and under these layers;
  • No deformations resulting from displacements caused by wastes weight, dynamic loads, earthquakes or ground explosions capable to make strata water-permeable;
  • Storage location near a inhibited area, area affected by floods, dike or dam failures;
  • Available methods and facilities making it possible to “lock” quickly and securely the mine openings used to deliver wastes into the mined-out space.

For underground waste landfilling, various depths and hydrodynamic zones in lithosphere are suitable; thus, the storages are subdivided into shallow, moderately deep and deep ones. Nonconventional methods using a confined explosion or nuclear explosion energy can also be used to create underground tanks. Therefore, toxic industrial waste storages are complicated geotechnical systems with such components of geological environment as rock masses and ground waters. This also includes the ground and underground engineering facilities such as mine openings, wells and other types of communications.

As for explosive wastes, which can become valuable and useful in future when the technologies for their processing and usage are developed, it is reasonable to keep them in underground storages with stricter requirements in terms of their safety and possible desensitization. Destruction of explosive wastes involves high expenses to ensure safety during the process. Storages with explosive wastes are subject to general protective measures for industrial waste storage. Mechanical impacts, frictions, high temperature effects, electric sparking or stray earth currents, chemical bonds between components, a potential explosion nearby can affect the wastes and cause their possible explosion. Several specific requirements exist for keeping this type of wastes:

  • Explosive wastes placement in containers to prevent all types of aforementioned effects.
  • Placement far from power transmission lines.
  • High-quality wiring for auxiliary facilities lighting.
  • Protection against chemical bonds with other components by low storage temperature and desensitization.
  • Careful explosive waste transportation and handling.

Toxic industrial wastes can be neutralized thermally. At present, there are many opportunities to reduce the amount of non-disposable wastes. Their chemical composition is always complicated and, so far, it is quite difficult and economically unfeasible to convert them into useful products.

In case of a large amount of dust and water steam, the industrial deep oxidizing catalysts operating at temperatures max. 600 - 800°C shall not be used.

Gasification method used for waste processing is worth mentioning. The purpose of this method is to produce combustible gas, resin and slag. Gasification, as well as above methods, is a thermochemical process implemented at high temperatures. During this process, an organic mass interacts with gasifying agents; as a result, organic products are converted into combustible gases. Gasifying agents are air, oxygen, water steam, carbon dioxide and their mixtures.

The gasification process takes place in mechanized mine gas generators. For this purpose, blasting is used: air, steam-air and steam-oxygen blasting. The advantages of gasification, as compared with combustion, are as follows:

  • Produced combustible gases are used as a fuel.
  • Produced resins are used as a fuel or chemical feedstock;
  • Ash and sulfuric compounds emissions are reduced.

Gasification disadvantages:

  • If air or steam-air blasting is used, exhaust gas with low combustion heat characteristic is produced - inappropriate for transportation;
  • Large-size pasteous wastes cannot be processed; only crushed and loose wastes with gas-permeable characteristics are processed.

If steam-oxygen gasification is used, the gas with good combustion heat characteristic is produced, what enables long-distance transportation.

To reach a good level of decomposition of industrial wastes, especially those containing halogens, a furnace designed to incinerate products shall ensure that the products remain in the combustion zone and for a required period. Such furnace shall also provide for good mixing of reagents with oxygen at a specified temperature. The amount of oxygen can be controlled. To prevent production of halogens and to ensure that halogens are fully converted into hydrogen halides, excessive amount of water and minimum possible content of oxygen is required to reduce soot. If during decomposition of organochloride products, the temperature is reduced, then highly toxic and stable dioxins are produced. This is also a disadvantage of a fire combustion method. This triggered a search for new technologies of toxic waste neutralizing.

Depending on the method of waste processing, plasmatron operation can be optimized for wastes with various chemical compositions. The plasmatron’s principle of operation and design are quite simple, and their nature is as follows: the process itself, with the technology applied, takes place in a chamber with two electrodes, cathode and anode. They are usually made of copper; sometimes, hollow electrodes are used. Under a certain pressure, the predefined amounts of wastes, oxygen and fuel are loaded into the chamber. Water steam is added. Catalysts can be applied. The chamber pressure and temperature are constant. If the plasma method is used for waste processing in a reducing medium, valuable commercial output is produced:

  • Acetylene, ethylene, HC1 and products based on these are produced from liquid organic chlorine-containing wastes.
  • In a plasmatrone with hydrogen, when organic chlorine- and fluorine-containing wastes are processed, gases with HC1 and HF content 95 - 98 % by weight are produced.

For convenience, briquetting of solid wastes and heating of pasteous wastes are used to convert the latter into the liquid.

For processing of combustible radioactive wastes (low and average activity), the technology was designed based on plasma air-stream energy. The activated hydrocarbon feedstock in its pure form or with halogens is fed. This method contributes to the conversion of hazardous wastes into an inactive phase, with their volume reduced by several times. The disadvantage of this method is high energy consumption and complexity of implementation of the process itself. Therefore, it is used only to process wastes that, if processed by burning method for their neutralization, fail to meet the environmental requirements.

When the wastes are collected, they are separated in accordance with their subsequent use and methods of their processing, disposal or landfilling. This makes their further processing much easier and cheaper because the costs for their separation are significantly reduced. Waste processing is the most important stage in providing safety of the wastes life cycle, contributing to environment protection against pollution and preservation of natural resources.

During metal smelting, smelter slags are produced with the interaction between ore, fluxes and fuel at high temperature. The composition of these slags is defined by the components of interacting materials, their types and specific features of the metallurgical process. Ferrous metallurgy slags are subdivided into blast-furnace, steelmaking, ferroalloy, and cupola slags. Furnace type contributes to production of open-hearth, converter and electric-furnace slags. A quite common method of processing of blast-furnace slag is granulation which means quick cooling by water, steam or air. This method is usually applied to blast-furnace slags, with their utilization about 60%. The main application for blast-furnace slags is cement industry, where they are used as additives for raw materials in production of Portland cements. In this industry, for instance, other slags that are slowly cooled are the commonly used. As for steelmaking slags, they are utilized by 30% only.

All technologies offered now at the market of disposal and thermal processing of industrial wastes are based on pyrolysis or its versions, or incineration where huge amounts of gas or diesel (plasma) are required. The pyrolysis itself and its multiple versions exist for more than hundred years, but it is used in industry, either in processing of pure products (coal, timber) or pyrolysis tanks are used with loading by cycles. In the first case, we consider the pyrolysis method; in the second case, we consider pure disposal of wastes. In both cases, we refer to the pyrolysis method as a disadvantage involving formation of resinous scale when sulfur and other hazardous elements are present. This causes frequent equipment shutdowns, its failures, accelerated metal corrosion and even fires. For such equipment, trouble-free operation involves frequent preventive maintenance and tank cleaning (and the number of tanks must be at least 3 because the operation mode is cyclic) etc.

The gas-purifying pyrolysis is also a major issue now. During this process, highly-carcinogenic ash collected by gas purification must be neutralized. Plasma utilizers do not have such a problem, no scale is produced within them, but plasma is not produced so easily, and it may be applied only for disposal of costly materials.

Industrial waste disposal is of interest for scientists all over the world because there is no unified comprehensive approach to the processing and usage of recycled materials and industrial wastes. This topic is also of great importance in terms of environment treatment. In our country, the topic of waste disposal grasps several points to be solved collectively, by specialists in various disciplines: process engineers for the technological part of the process, medical specialists, environmental experts and economists. The matters of chemical wastes disposal are of unfailing interest for scientists all over the world. It is evident by the development of many new devices and methods intended to positively change the tense state of this sphere at least slightly. An opinion exists that the simplest solution is to carry the wastes beyond the Earth, that the processing plants should be transferred into the space, and all new plants should be built on the Earth’s orbit to send all industrial wastes directly to the Sun. However, all of this is expensive and futuristic, and even if they are one day implemented, this will cover only the wastes posing real hazard for the humankind.


Waste incineration and disposal plants (incinerators) are assembled space-saving process lines for thermal disposal of liquid, biologically hazardous wastes, wastes in chemical industry, and various equipment for disposal of solid industrial wastes and garbage/trash.

The purpose of wastes and garbage disposal by incineration is the reduction of volume and weight of wastes and garbage.

Temperature for incineration of industrial wastes and garbage is from 700 to 950°C.

Post combustion of waste gases takes place at a temperature up to 1300°C; as a result, complete decomposition and combustion of complex organic compounds is ensured.

Advantages of furnaces for wastes and garbage incineration and disposal

  • Complete disposal of wastes and garbage in location where they are produced.
  • Excellent method to dispose various polymers (polyethylene, PVC, polystyrene etc.)
  • Solving the problem of wastes and garbage disposal, environmental improvement, full compliance with industrial safety requirements.
  • Wide range of wastes and garbage appropriate for incineration.
  • Recovery of heat used for own needs.
  • Highly effective gas purification system

Plant operation principle

  1. Preliminary preparation of material to be processed: using a loader to mix with sand to a proper consistency.
  2. Calculation of heat quantity required for the basic material disposal (defined by physical properties of material; actual operating temperature is set in accordance with current characteristics).
  3. An automatic burner is used to provide continuous preheating of a product under treatment. The burner is a key device in a furnace; the burner operating parameters predefine the major technical characteristics of the plant itself. The furnace and the burner are insulated by double sealing stainless steel plates.
  4. Hydrocarbons are combusted in the furnace. A fan installed on a rotating furnace is used to provide forced ventilation.
  5. An inlet port in a secondary chamber is designed to provide turbulent mixing with the combustion air and igniting. The time when gases remain in the secondary chamber ensure complete combustion of all hydrocarbons.
  6. An auxiliary blow fan provides for continuous delivery of air required to maintain the burning process. The continuous operation oxygen sensor is used to control the air quantity.

Components (scope of supply) of furnaces and plants for waste and garbage combustion and disposal

  • Rotating furnace with a burner
  • Cyclone (dust cleaning device)
  • Secondary chamber receiving hydrocarbons from the rotating furnace
  • Feed hopper with a vibrating sieve
  • Double screw
  • Belt conveyor
  • Weight feeder
  • Furnace feed screw
  • Furnace unloading conveyor
  • Cyclone conveyor
  • Mixing screw conveyor
  • Control system

Upon becoming the official distributer of process burners and ignition systems, our company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), carries out the following: finds the buyers of your products on the market, conducts technical and commercial negotiations with the customers regarding the supplies of your equipment, concludes contracts. Should a bidding take place, we will collect and prepare all the documents required for the participation, conclude all the necessary contracts for the supply of your equipment, as well as register the goods (process burners and ignition systems) and conduct customs clearance procedures. We will also register a certificate of transaction (Passport of Deal) required for all foreign trade contracts in the foreign currency control department of the authorized Russian bank so that currency transaction could be effected. If required, our company will implement an equipment spacing project in order to integrate your equipment into the existing or newly built production plant.

We are convinced that our company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), will become your reliable, qualified and efficient partner & distributor in Russia.

We are always open for cooperation, so let’s move forward together!