to success
since 1997

Distributor / authorized representative that deals with supply & delivery of dust collectors to industrial enterprises of Russia

Engineering company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), Russia, has been successfully working with a number of Russian industrial enterprises at the local market for more than 20 years. Since the company’s founding, it has acquired immense engineering experience, market reputation, and has realized more than a hundred large-scale projects at the industrial plants in Russia. Our company is continuously in search of new business partners, who consider Russian market investment-attractive and want to boost their sales in the region, as well as expand their field of activities and enter a new international level.

We are interested in cooperation with the manufacturers of dust collectors, who are looking for an official and reliable distributor to deal with supply & delivery of their equipment to the industrial plants in Russia.

The company’s top management and sales team are well acquainted with the Russian market, its mentality and laws; they also understand industrial specifics of the financial and economic activities of the Russian customers. All our sales managers have a large customer database, extensive experience of successful sales and well-established connections with the potential buyers of your dust collectors. This allows our managers to promptly set out the most promising directions for promotion and to ensure a rapid entry of the products into the promising Russian market. Our employees, who are fluent in English and German, are focused on working at the international market with the supplies of foreign equipment.

Our team of experienced engineers, who can handle the most serious technical problems, constantly keeps in touch with the Russian customers, holds meetings and delivers presentations regarding the latest achievements of our manufacturing partners. They point out the engineering challenges and actively communicate with all the departments at Russian plants. That is why the specifics of doing a business in the Russian Federation are well-known to us, and we also know the equipment of the local industrial plants and their up-to-date modernization needs.

Once we become your authorized representative in Russia, our marketing staff will carry out a market research in order to check the demand for dust collectors, will submit a market overview for dust collectors that you offer and evaluate the needs for this type of equipment at local plants. Our specialists will also estimate the potential and capacity of this market at local industrial plants. Our IT-team will start developing a website for your products in Russian. Our experts will assess the conformity between your dust collectors and customer needs as well as analyze the common reaction to the new goods in general. We will look into the categories of potential customers, and pick out the largest and the most promising plants.

Upon becoming your authorized agent on the territory of Russia, ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), will obtain certificates, if required, for a batch of the goods, for various types of dust collectors in compliance with Russian standards. We can also arrange the inspection in order to obtain TR TS 010 and TR TS 012 Certificates. These certificates provides permission to operate your equipment at all industrial plants of the EAEU countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan), including the hazardous industrial facilities. Our company is eager to assist in issuing Technical Passports for dust collectors as per Russian and other EAEU countries’ requirements.

Our engineering company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), collaborates with several Russian design institutes in various industrial segments, which allows us to conduct preliminary design as well as subsequent design works according to the standards, construction rules and regulations that are applicable in Russia and other CIS countries. It also enables us to include your dust collectors into the future projects.

The Company has its own logistics department that can provide packing service, handling as well as the most efficient and cost effective mode of transportation of the goods (incl. over dimensional and overweight goods). The goods can be delivered on DAP or DDP-customer’s warehouse basis in full compliance with all the relevant regulations and requirements that are applicable on the Russian market.

Our company has its own certified specialists who will carry out installation supervision and commissioning of the delivered equipment, as well as further guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance of dust collectors. They will also provide necessary training and guidance for the customer’s personnel.

Dust collectors. A brief overwiew

Classification of industrial dust collectors

According to solids settling, industrial dust collectors are divided into two groups:

  • dry cleaning devices (operate without liquid);
  • devices using liquid for dust settling.

Dry dust collectors are divided into types depending on the force used for particle settling:

  • gravitational;
  • inertial;
  • centrifugal;
  • filtration;
  • electric.

Dust collectors using the wet cleaning are divided into the following types:

  • droplet;
  • film;
  • sparge.

The classification of dust separating installations is given in the following table

Dust collecting machines Mechanical Dry   Gravitational
Filtering (filters) Fiber
Dry vertical
Wet Droplet
Electric One-region Dry horizontal
Dry vertical

Description, characteristics, advantages and applications of dust collectors

Centrifugal dust collectors

Centrifugal dust collectors are the most common mechanical dust collectors used in food, chemical, mining and many other industries. The main advantages of such dust collectors are their low cost, high efficiency, non-complex configuration, and rather simple and low-cost operation. If you compare centrifugal dust collectors with other types of dust collectors, you will see even more advantages: reliable operation at high temperature and pressure, no movable parts, easy repair and manufacture, and compatibility with abrasive particles.

Centrifugal dust collectors use centrifugal force to collect dust. The most popular centrifugal dust collectors are dust cyclone separators with wet film. In such devices, particle settling is induced by centrifugal and inert mechanism. Therefore, efficiency of such devices is much higher than that of cyclone separators because the wet film prevents dust re-entrainment. Moreover, such devices are more efficient than scrubbers as they have higher deposition rate and gas flow due to centrifugal force.

Liquid is supplied to wet cyclone separators along the internal walls and into the axial zone.

Venturi scrubber, falling into the category of high-speed devices, is the most efficient wet dust separator. Such units may be divided into the following groups according to their applications:

  • Low-pressure devices used for concentrating and purification of aspiration air. Hydraulic resistance of such devices is between 3,000 and 500 Pa.
  • High-pressure devices used for submicron and micron gas purification. Their resistance reaches up to 20,000-30,000 Pa.

The operation of such devices is based on high velocity gas which intensively crushes irrigating liquid. Besides, gas flow turbulence and relatively large difference between the deposition rate and particles rate make dust particles settle on drops of irrigating liquid.

To reduce hydraulic resistance, the main part of the scrubber is manufactured as a Venturi tube smoothly tapering at the gas inlet and expanding at the gas outlet. Gas inlet and outlet are connected by a nipple.

To ensure stable operation, it is crucial to provide complete and even irrigation of the liquid mouth. That is exactly why the choice of the irrigation method is very important and influences on the unit design.

The following three methods of mouth irrigation are used most frequently:

  1. Peripheral. Nozzles or nipples are mounted along the mouth or the convergent tube perimeter.
  2. Central. The irrigating liquid is supplied to the mouth from nozzles which are installed in or in front of the convergent tube.
  3. Film. It is primarily used to prevent sediments on the walls.

Hydraulic resistance is calculated using the following equation:

Δp = Δpgas + Δpliquid

Where Δpgas is dry tube hydraulic resistance depending on gas movement:

Δpgas = (ξc·νgas²·ρgas)/2

Where ξc is a hydraulic resistance coefficient of a dry tube, and νgas is the velocity of gases in the mouth.

The dust collecting efficiency depends mostly on a specific irrigation and gas velocity. The optimal ratio of dust flow rate to specific irrigation primarily depends on particle size distribution. Specific irrigation is in the range 0.5-1.5 l/m3 of gases.

Besides, the dust collecting efficiency depends on dispersibility of spray drops. In this case, the smaller these drops, the better gas purification.

Centrifugal dust collectors (cyclone separators) are widely used in industry nowadays. Contaminated gas is supplied to the cyclone separator housing at the rate of 20 – 25 m/s. The gas flow moves tangentially, and thus, obtains rotary movement. Dust particles are taken away by centrifugal force and get into the outermost contaminated gas layers moving spirally down along the cyclone separator walls. Suspended dust particles are removed from the unit through the dedicated sleeve. The mixture of gas and dust revolves and lifts upward to form a vortex. This vortex moves towards the unit axis to the exhaust pipe and collects some gas from the inner layers moving downwards. This gas layer is characterized by a low content of dust particles. It moves along the housing cone portion to the exhaust pipe lower edge. Having reached the exhaust pipe lower edge, the flow turns to the cyclone separator axis.

Vortex dust collectors. Specifications

Vortex dust collectors are being used in industry more and more often. They are similar to cyclone separators but have an additional swirling gas flow. Various models of vortex dust collectors are manufactured worldwide, with the efficiency of 300-40000 m3/h. Efficiency of vortex dust collectors depends on their diameter: the smaller diameter, the higher efficiency.

In vortex dust separators, atmospheric air, dusty gases, and peripheral clean gas flow are used as secondary gas.

As compared to return-flow cyclone separators, vortex dust collectors have such advantages as compatibility with high temperature gases, good purification, and adjustable gas purification process due to secondary airflow. Disadvantages of vortex dust collectors include high hydraulic resistance, the need for a powerful draft device, and complicated operation and installation.

Vortex dust collector

The vortex dust collector design is shown in the picture. In this dust collector, the crude gas enters the collector via sleeves, swirls, and then, it is supplied to the operation area. When exposed to centrifugal force, dust particles from the gas move towards the walls of the dust collector. And when exposed to gravity force, they move downwards to get into a special tank. Purified air is removed through the exhaust sleeve.

Operational efficiency of such dust collector depends on the ratio of the upper Q2 and the lower Q1 gas flows. To ensure maximum efficient operation of the dust collector, Q2/Q1 should be between 1.5 and 2.2.

To calculate such dust collector, it is required to do the following:

  1. Define the operation area diameter. For this purpose, the dust flow velocity is νgas=5-10 (m/s):

D1 = √4·G/Π·νgas

  1. Define the dust collector dimensions depending on its diameter.
  2. Calculate the vortex dust collector hydraulic pressure according to the following equation:

Δp = (ξ·ρ·ν²gas)/2

where ξ is a hydraulic pressure coefficient. In this case, resistance coefficients for upper and lower flows should be taken into account.

Dynamic dust collectors. Features

Dynamic dust collectors are characterized by gas purification induced both by centrifugal force and Coriolis force which appears during impeller rotation. Such dust collectors perform two functions: particles settling and drafting.

This dust collector consumes more energy than a fan at the same pressure and performance. However, this power consumption is still less than the energy required for separate functioning of the centrifugal dust collector and the fan.

Basic design of dynamic dust collectors consists of the housing and impeller. The impeller puts crude gas in motion, while Coriolis force and centrifugal force release dust particles from gas.

Dynamic dust collectors fall into two groups. In the first group, the dusty gas is supplied to the center of the impeller, and dust particles, which are separated by the purification process, move towards gas inlet. In the second group, dust particles move in the direction opposite to gas flow, while crude gas is sucked into the holes in the drums.

Exhaust-dust collectors (see fig.) are the most popular. They are used for initial gas purification at bitumen concrete plants and for linear production. Such dynamic dust collectors are able to detain 15 µm or larger dust particles. The impeller on a shaft creates differential pressure to facilitate gas movement. Centrifugal forces take dust particles away to the periphery, and then they are released from the dust collector with some gas.

Gravitational and inertial dust settlers. Settling chamber

The principle of operation of these devices is as follows. Contaminating particles are removed from the gas flow due to inertial forces. The flow being purified changes its direction of movement sharply while losing its steam. Due to this, suspended particles, trying to sustain their velocity, quit the common gas flow.

The louver separator is one of the types of these equipment type. It is designed as a tube with a lattice formed by inclined partitions. The partitions are intended for a sort of filtration of solid particles. Suspended ash particles pass through the tube with the gas flow and collide with the partitions. The discharge of the particles in the direction opposite to the total gas flow movement is made in that way.

Thus, one side of the lattice accumulates dusty gas (about 10% of the total flow), and the other side accumulates purified gas. Dusty gas is discharged to ash separators, and then it is additionally purified in cyclone separators.

Gravitational and inertial dust collectors allow purifying gas flows from large and heavy particles, the minimum size of which is 50 µm. Such units are used only for preliminary purification of gases, also with high dust content.

The simplest design is represented by dust (settling) chamber. Settling of the solid particles in the chamber is performed at slow movement of dusty gas flow.

Dust chambers have large dimensions and low operational efficiency. Nevertheless, they are widely used in such industry spheres as chemical, mining processing and metal industry. The advantages of these devices are simplicity and operational reliability, and their low hydraulic resistance.

The dust chamber is shown on the figure below. With regard of the enormous chamber dimensions, brick or concrete are used for its manufacture the most often. Particle settling occurs at the airflow laminar movement. Its velocity should be up to 1-2 m/s. At a higher velocity, re-entrainment of particles is possible.

The dust chamber work efficiency increases with its area increase and height decrease. Therefore, to provide higher efficiency, the chamber is equipped with horizontal or inclined shelves at a distance of 100-300 mm from each other by vertical. Thus, at installing n shelves, the dust chamber efficiency increases n times.

In dust chambers, particle settling is possible not only from horizontal flows but also from vertical flows. To work with the vertically moving masses, devices of reflector type (or reflectors) are used. Their basic component is the ring collector mounted on the funnel in which the particles are settled.

In order to improve the purification efficiency of the dust chamber and to reduce its size, gravitational settling is combined with inertial one. In particular, a design is developed at which the airflow movement direction changes sharply. In this housing, the particles are exposed to inertial forces, which make them to strive to move in the previously chosen direction. As the result, the particles are easily separated from the gas flow. Many inertial dust collectors operate by this principle. The example may be the design of ‘dust collector bags’ which are typical in this class.

To reduce re-entrainment, the design of inertial dust collectors provides for a deeper tank and a cylindrical housing fragment.

Dust settling chambers

The principle of dust chamber operation is as follows. Inside this unit, gas moves so slowly that contaminating particles manage to settle as the result of gravity force impact. The smaller is the chamber height, the faster the particles are settled. That is why horizontal partitions (parallel or inclined) are installed inside these chambers. The distance between the partitions is from 400 to 1000 mm. Thus, the settling surface increases and the gas is distributed more evenly throughout the chamber width. This machine type is characterized by low efficiency and large dimensions. Such installations are used only for the primary coarse gas purification.

Gas purification from dust in dust settling chambers

The process of gas purification from dust, in which the solid particles settle under the influence of gravity, is performed in settling chambers.

The chamber design is as follows. The housing is equipped with horizontal shelves. Shelves are located at the distance of 100-300 mm from each other and form channels. Getting into in the chamber housing, the dusty gas passes between the shelves, and the solids settle on their surface. The housing is also equipped with a vertical reflecting partition 3, which provides even gas distribution through the channels. After the gas passes the shelves, it goes round this partition and quits the chamber. When the gas goes round the partition, the pat of dust is removed from it under the influence of the inertia force. Removal of the solid phase from the chamber is performed through holes with the use of scrapers, or is washed away with water.

Dust settling chambers allow installing a large number of shelves, thus increasing the surface area for dust settling. However, despite this, they are able to purify gas for not more than 30-40%. At this, only coarse particles with the size over 5 µm settle on the shelves. For this reason, dust settling chambers are used for rough purification of highly dusty gases containing relatively large particles.

A variant of an inertial unit is a louver dust separator. Its design provides for a grate from inclined plates, which changes the gas flow direction. The louver dust separator allows selecting particles larger than 20 µm. It is used in housings where gas preliminary processing is required. Then gas is further cleaned in cyclone separators or sleeve filters.

For the dust chamber calculation, the settling area and the minimal particle size shall be calculated.

In the cone inertial dust collector, gas flows upside down through the grate. The grate is represented by a set of overlapping rings located at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other. Dust and part of dusty air is thrown to the dust collector axis. The purified gas passes through the grate and is removed from the casing. Dusty air goes through the narrow lower opening of the device.

Advantages of dust collectors traditionally include small dimensions and non-complex design (including the absence of movable parts).

Rotary dry dust collectors

Mechanical rotary dust collectors (rotational) are units, which at the same time move and purify the air. The typical scheme of a rotary dust collecting unit is given below.

The rotating wheel has the form of a dished disc with blades. This structure is placed into a helical housing. Contaminated gas is supplied through a sleeve along the wheel axis. As a result of inertial forces action, the gas fills the space in narrow channels between the wheel blades. Solid dust particles with a large weight in comparison with the gas are exposed to centrifugal forces. Dust is pressed against the disc and the blades, slides along them from the center to the periphery and comes into the space between the casing and the disc. Then the particles are taken to the dust collecting bag. From the dust collecting bag, a mixture containing up to 5% of the gas is fed into the hopper, where it settles. Clean gas is withdrawn through the outlet.

Advantages of such installations traditionally include high efficiency, small dimensions, easy handling, and high-quality purification with removal of small dust particles.

Physics of the dust removal process. Dust-collecting units

The precipitation settling is the process of removal of dust and other particles from gas. The dust collecting factor η is a measure of quality of the removal of particles from the gas. This parameter is defined as a decrease in concentration of particles in the gas and initial concentration of these particles.

Degree of settling:

η = [(c0- c1)/c0]·100%

The smaller is the dust particles size, the worse is the course of its precipitation process. Consequently, at settling coarse dust, dust collecting coefficients are higher. At the same time, these indicators are always lower for fine dust.

The submersible filter-deduster with the collection efficiency of around 80% at dust granularity of 100 µm.

The fine dust, with a particle size of around 10 µm, has a settling rate around 20%. And microscopic dust, the size of which is 1 µm only, never deposits with the use of a tissue filter. Other dust collecting installations, such as electric filters, have a somehow different range of dust purging and dust collecting.

Industrial dust rarely has the same particle size. For example, lignite dust may contain particles the size of which will be in the range of 1 - 60 µm. Therefore, with the use of the submersible filter-deduster, the larger particles will be removed, and almost all fine particles will simply penetrate the filter.

Mechanical dust purging

Mechanical dust purging of gases takes place under the impact of centrifugal or inertial forces, and gravity force.

Gravitational settling

Dust particles present in the gas are impacted by such forces as expulsive force FA and gravity force FG. And in the process of a particles settling, the flow resistance force appears as well, herein marked as FW. When the resultant force FR is formed, equilibrium appears between these three forces. The resultant force has a direction and a downward action results in dust, which is deposited at a rate Va.

It should be noted that the particle settling rate is proportional to their size. Moreover, particles, which are smaller than 0.1 µm, never precipitate due to the fact that the thermal movement prevails over gravity force in such particles.

In the housing, if for particle settling, gravity force is required to be used, such a mode of gas supply with dust particles should be chosen, to provide the sufficient time for particles settling. This process is achieved in the purifying gas channel. The gas channel is a rather large tank to which gas is supplied. At this moment, the flow rate decreases and the flow cross-section, on the contrary, increases, because gas spends the certain amount of time in the duct. In this housing, some particles go down to the dust collector. Dust from it is removed in the course of the accumulation. Those particles, which remained on the flow trajectory and went down, don’t precipitate at all.

Particle sizes taking settling are called the separation size. The smaller the flow velocity and the higher the flow trajectory, the smaller is the separation size.

The lowest flow trajectories may be observed in the dust collecting pocket. In the pocket, the flow cross-section is divided with the use of horizontal hurdles.

It should be noted that gravitational settling in the gas channel is suitable only for removal of dust particle with the size of around 100 µm. And for fine dust removal, the carrier gas flow is used.


Upon becoming the official distributer of fabric filters, our company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), carries out the following: finds the buyers of your products on the market, conducts technical and commercial negotiations with the customers regarding the supplies of your equipment, concludes contracts. Should a bidding take place, we will collect and prepare all the documents required for the participation, conclude all the necessary contracts for the supply of your equipment, as well as register the goods (fabric filters) and conduct customs clearance procedures. We will also register a certificate of transaction (Passport of Deal) required for all foreign trade contracts in the foreign currency control department of the authorized Russian bank so that currency transaction could be effected. If required, our company will implement an equipment spacing project in order to integrate your equipment into the existing or newly built production plant.

We are convinced that our company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), will become your reliable, qualified and efficient partner & distributor in Russia.

We are always open for cooperation, so let’s move forward together!