to success
since 1997

Distributor / authorized representative that deals with supply & delivery of waste oil recovery filters and systems (lube and hydraulic oil) to industrial enterprises of Russia

Engineering company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), Russia, has been successfully working with a number of Russian industrial enterprises at the local market for more than 20 years. Since the company’s founding, it has acquired immense engineering experience, market reputation, and has realized more than a hundred large-scale projects at the industrial plants in Russia. Our company is continuously in search of new business partners, who consider Russian market investment-attractive and want to boost their sales in the region, as well as expand their field of activities and enter a new international level.

We are interested in cooperation with the manufacturers of waste oil recovery filters and systems, who are looking for an official and reliable distributor to deal with supply & delivery of their equipment to the industrial plants in Russia.

The company’s top management and sales team are well acquainted with the Russian market, its mentality and laws; they also understand industrial specifics of the financial and economic activities of the Russian customers. All our sales managers have a large customer database, extensive experience of successful sales and well-established connections with the potential buyers of your used oil recycling filters. This allows our managers to promptly set out the most promising directions for promotion and to ensure a rapid entry of the products into the promising Russian market. Our employees, who are fluent in English and German, are focused on working at the international market with the supplies of foreign equipment.

Our team of experienced engineers, who can handle the most serious technical problems, constantly keeps in touch with the Russian customers, holds meetings and delivers presentations regarding the latest achievements of our manufacturing partners. They point out the engineering challenges and actively communicate with all the departments at Russian plants. That is why the specifics of doing a business in the Russian Federation are well-known to us, and we also know the equipment of the local industrial plants and their up-to-date modernization needs.

Once we become your authorized representative in Russia, our marketing staff will carry out a market research in order to check the demand for waste oil recovery systems, will submit a market overview for filters that you offer and evaluate the needs for this type of equipment at local plants. Our specialists will also estimate the potential and capacity of this market at local industrial plants. Our IT-team will start developing a website for your products in Russian. Our experts will assess the conformity between your waste oil recovery filters and systems and customer needs as well as analyze the common reaction to the new goods in general. We will look into the categories of potential customers, and pick out the largest and the most promising plants.

Upon becoming your authorized agent on the territory of Russia, ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), will obtain certificates, if required, for a batch of the goods, for various types of used oil recovery systems in compliance with Russian standards. We can also arrange the inspection in order to obtain TR TS 010 and TR TS 012 Certificates. These certificates provides permission to operate your equipment at all industrial plants of the EAEU countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan), including the hazardous industrial facilities. Our company is eager to assist in issuing Technical Passports for waste oil recovery filters as per Russian and other EAEU countries’ requirements.

Our engineering company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), collaborates with several Russian design institutes in various industrial segments, which allows us to conduct preliminary design as well as subsequent design works according to the standards, construction rules and regulations that are applicable in Russia and other CIS countries. It also enables us to include your waste oil recovery systems into the future projects.

The Company has its own logistics department that can provide packing service, handling as well as the most efficient and cost effective mode of transportation of the goods (incl. over dimensional and overweight goods). The goods can be delivered on DAP or DDP-customer’s warehouse basis in full compliance with all the relevant regulations and requirements that are applicable on the Russian market.

Our company has its own certified specialists who will carry out installation supervision and commissioning of the delivered equipment, as well as further guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance of waste oil recovery filters. They will also provide necessary training and guidance for the customer’s personnel.

Waste oil recovery and equipment used (filters). A brief overwiew

General overview

The first mechanical devices used to transmit forces by friction or engagement, were invented in ancient Egypt. Transmitted forces were not so great, and parts manufacturing precision and adjusting of them to each other were not so important to seriously consider the issues of ensuring the durability and wear reducing of mechanisms. Wood was the most common material for the manufacture of mechanical transmission, and only much later the metal was applied. The use of mechanical transmission, mainly working by coupling engagement method, opened up new possibilities, allowing to transmit a much greater forces by reducing the size of the transmission itself. However, at the same time, there arose a question about the need for lubrication of contacting parts, as mutual friction led to their rapid wear, deterioration in transmission efficiency or even its complete failure. Similar requirements were imposed upon the supports of moving parts of mechanisms, as the accuracy of their position in space has become a prerequisite for correct operation. Furthermore, loss of the transmitted power because of friction significantly reduced overall efficiency of a mechanism.

Lubricants, especially lubricating oils, which are widespread nowadays and are used for lubrication of almost all the machinery unless the presence of oil is undesirable or unacceptable, were designed to solve complex of these problems. Depending on the source, lubricating oils may be divided into:

  • organic (plant and animal);
  • mineral;
  • synthetic.

Plant and animal oils are produced of plant seeds and animal fats, respectively. And now, castor oil, relating to the plant type, which has been used for some time even as engine oil, is widely used. Together, these two types are combined into a group of organic oils, used as lubricants, and they are generally used in admixture with mineral oils. This is largely due to their low thermal resistance, although their lubricating properties are higher.

Synthetic oils, obtained by chemical synthesis of different substances (hydrocarbons, organosilicon, etc.) are the most modern ones. Production of such oils is costly and difficult, resulting in their high cost. However, the obtained product is of a high quality and can be applied in particularly critical assemblies. The increased stability, allowing to significantly increase their service life, is one of the key benefits of synthetic oils. The so-called semi-synthetic oils can also be obtained by mixing synthetic and mineral oils, representing a compromise between cost and quality.


The development of technology has led to a huge amount of a variety of machines and mechanisms, requiring an individual approach to the issue of lubrication. Anti-corrosion and anti-oxidant properties, the allowable temperature operating conditions, viscosity, resistance of emulsion, formed in mixture with water, chemical composition, and more can serve as criteria for selecting the brand of lubricating oil. Oils, having a set of properties, optimal for a certain type of machines, are combined in groups by application:

  • industrial;
  • turbine;
  • aviation;
  • hydraulic;
  • vacuum;
  • transformer, etc.

Industrial oils are among the most commonly used and are primarily used for lubrication of various operating mechanisms, such as machines, gearboxes and their parts. Due to the constant contact with the heavily loaded and being in contact with metal parts, oils of this group are polluted mainly by various types of mechanical impurities, such as metal particles and rubber or plastic fragments of seals. Moreover, the proportion of products of oxidation in oil increases during long-term operation.

Specificity of turbines operation primarily requires stability for a long period from used lubricating (turbine) oils. Maintaining of proper efficiency of oils is one of the important factors for durability of turbine operation, as about a quarter of all cases of breakdowns and failures are caused by the deterioration of lubrication conditions. Turbine oils should resist oxidation and produce little corrosive effect on the lubricated parts, and also should not contain any mechanical or water impurities. In some cases, it is possible to regenerate used turbine oil continuously, but for large devices regeneration is only possible at a full stop, therefore it is critical to ensure the maintaining of oil properties during the whole interval between stops.

As the name implies, aviation oil is used in engines, gearboxes, seals and bearing assemblies of aircrafts. Operating conditions of such oils are characterized by a high temperature, which leads to the intensification of oxidation processes, resulting in contamination of oil by products of chemical oxidation reactions, such as asphaltenes, carbenes and carboides. The most volatile hydrocarbons, being components of the oil, are the first, which are subjected to oxidation. Thus, extraction of aforementioned chemical compounds becomes a key step in the regeneration process of aviation oil.

Contamination of oils

During operation, lubricating oils eventually lose their working properties, which is caused by contamination by foreign impurities, or by chemical change of their components. Unusable oil must be disposed or treated. The main pollutants of oils include the following:

  • water;
  • gaseous impurities;
  • mechanical impurities;
  • oxidation products;
  • technological product.

The presence of water has a profound effect on the quality of lubricating oil. It not only changes physical parameters, but may also chemically react with the components thereof, initiating oxidizing processes. Also watered oil is significantly more corrosive. In the case of operation at low temperatures, water inclusions can pass in crystalline form, thereby producing an abrasive effect on the lubricated parts of machines and mechanisms. Such a phenomenon as the electroerosion can be observed in the presence of water, that is the process of metal particles tearing off the surface of lubricated parts by a pulse of electric discharge. In addition, water inclusions may become habitat and breeding place of microorganisms, which can cause worsening of main parameters of oil.

Air is a usual gaseous pollutant, but the process gases and gaseous products of chemical reactions, proceeding in the lubricating oil can also act as pollutants. Depending on the chemical composition of gas, its negative impact can vary from entering into chemical reactions with the components of oil, to the cavitation effect, damaging lubricated parts of machines and mechanisms.

Various types of solid inclusions represent one of the most common and at the same time one of the most hazardous pollutants. Reduction of wear of parts due to friction occurring between them during operation is the main purpose of lubricating oils, and solid particles in oil just lead to increased abrasion wear of contacting surfaces. Sources of such contaminants may be very different: solid products of chemical reactions occurring in oil, rust and scale, solid particles, breaking both off lubricated parts and off sealing elements during operation.

The oxidation reactions of the most volatile hydrocarbons take place in oils mainly due to high temperatures during operation. Various foreign substances, such as acids, resins, asphaltenes, carbenes, etc., are produced as a result of these reactions, which leads to a deterioration of the physico-chemical properties of oil, and it negatively affects their operating properties. Other types of reactions take place and have a significant impact on the overall chemical composition of oil only after a certain time. These chemical changes mainly cause such a phenomenon as "aging" of oil.

Among other things, technological products, present in the machine, may contaminate oil in the case of their contact with each other during operation, or if the product seeps to the lubricating oil for some reason. In most cases, this also makes it necessary to separate them to preserve the physico-chemical properties of oil.

Methods of oils purification

Disposal of waste oil itself requires financial costs, but single use of lubricating oil, the cost of which can be very high due to the complexity of its manufacture, turns out to be more economically inefficient. It is more efficient to carry out the regeneration of lubricating oils, during which accumulated contaminants are removed from them, and they can be reused and returned to the lubrication system.

The specific purification method is chosen based on the nature of contamination, the overall composition of oil, and the required degree of purification. Several oil purification stages can be applied using various methods in cases of integrated pollution. The general principle is used, that purification from the largest and most easily separated contaminants is primarily carried out, followed by a fine purification stage. If the purification unit is focused on treatment of various kinds and grades of oils and oil contaminants, its design may include devices for purification of various mechanisms, used, if it is required, depending on the particular case.

All methods of oils purification can be divided into three general groups:

  • physical;
  • physico-chemical;
  • chemical.

Physical methods

Oil does not undergo any chemical change during treatment via physical methods, and the process is carried out using a particular physical action. Field of gravitational or centrifugal forces, electric or magnetic field, etc. may be applied. Also, different heat transfer processes, filtration and vibration are applied. Methods of this group typically act as opening purification stage, when mechanical impurities, liquid pollutants (including water) and gaseous impurities are removed. The most common physical treatment methods include the following:

  • settling;
  • separation;
  • filtration.

This method is the easiest to implement, but it has a small productivity due to the process time. Relatively large mechanical or water impurities are subject to separation, settling at the bottom under the gravity forces. Settling takes place in the devices of simple design, called settling tanks. Distinctive features of this method make it preferable as a preliminary purification stage to reduce the load on the subsequent fine purification devices.


This is an oil centrifugation process, which is basically similar to the settling, but instead of a relatively weak field of gravity forces centrifugal force field is used, the values of which can several times exceed the values of gravity forces field, which significantly intensifies the process of separation. More sophisticated equipment usage (centrifuges that require additional power source (usually electric) for the operation) is the price for the acceleration of the process.


It consists in passing of contaminated oil through the filter material, porous or grid-like structure of which allows it to pass the oil components and to retain mechanical and partially liquid impurities. The degree of purification depends both on the size of separated particles and on the pore or lattice mesh size. The metal or plastic lattice, ceramic, fabric, paper and more complex composite materials can be used as a filter material. Device for filtration is called a filter. Proper choice of filter media allows to configure a filter for coarse or fine filtration. The need for regeneration of filter membranes, exposed to clogging during use, or their disposal in the case of inability to recover operational properties is the main disadvantage of this process.

Physico-chemical methods

When using methods of this group, oil components may undergo partial chemical changes during purification. Usually they are more difficult to implement and expensive in comparison with the physical methods, but they provide a deeper and more thorough purification of oils. Physico-chemical purification methods include:

  • adsorption;
  • coagulation;
  • thermal vacuum drying;
  • selective dissolution.

Adsorption treatment of oil consists in its passing through the adsorbent bed (a highly porous substance, the structure of which allows to detain a number of dissolved impurities). Natural materials such as bleaching clay and bauxite, and specially selected materials, such as silica gel or alumina can be used as such a highly porous material. Efficiency of adsorption treatment depends strongly on the ratio of pore sizes and retained particles. A high degree of purification of these methods has a flip side, consisting in high cost of absorbent material manufacturing, which requires periodic regeneration during operation, and can be disposable at the worst. Natural adsorbents are less expensive, but their efficiency is noticeably inferior compared with the artificial ones. Devices, used for adsorption carrying out are called adsorbers.


The method is aimed rather at efficiency improvement of a number of physical methods, since it is based on the principle of adhesion and coalescence (coagulation) of colloidal particles of oil contaminants, inseparable or hardly separable by filtration and settling, which after consolidation can already be separated by the above-mentioned physical methods. A number of physical actions (electric current, stirring, strong heating or cooling, etc.), and special coagulant materials are used for coagulation.

Thermal vacuum drying

This way most of the water and dissolved gases are removed from oil. The method is based on the difference in the boiling points of water and oil, which is further enhanced by the application of low pressure to the chamber, in which the evaporation of water occurs. Oil is additionally dispersed to considerably enlarge the evaporation area, thus ensuring a more complete and rapid flow of the oil purification process. Devices, required for the process, are relatively simple in design and simple enough to use, but it is necessary to control the level of sealing and to prevent the ingress of atmospheric air.

Selective dissolution

The process is based on use of refining solvents, which should not be mixed with oil and significantly better dissolve in themselves the substances, subject to be removed from oil. When oil and solvent are mixed a developed surface of phase contact is created, through which an intensive transfer of contaminants from oil into solvent is produced. Afterwards the phases are separated, and the solvent may also be purified from contaminants, dissolved therein, and used again for oil purification. The method is highly efficient, but in the case of additives presence in oil, which happens quite often, its application is unallowable, since in most cases additives are transferred together with contaminants to selective solvents, which is why oil loses its basic properties.

Chemical methods

Methods of this group use different reagents, reacting with polluting components of oil. That is, the presence of chemical transformations in oil is obligatory. Acidic and alkaline treatments are distinguished.

Acidic treatment

In most cases, sulfuric acid is used. This method is far from being new, but time proved its efficiency. It is used to remove asphalt-resinous substances, unsaturated hydrocarbons and other compounds, settled by reaction with sulfuric acid. Such residue, which is called acid sludge, can be quite easily separated from oil. An alkaline treatment is used for acid sludge and residues of the acid itself neutralizing as a final step.

Alkaline treatment

It is used in the case of a strong deterioration of oil, when it is required to remove a variety of organic acids and esters. This produces chemical compounds that dissolve easily in water, which makes the subsequent washing effective. As it was mentioned above, the alkaline treatment may serve as a final stage of acid treatment, but it also can act as independent oil-treatment stage.


Upon becoming the official distributer of fabric filters, our company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), carries out the following: finds the buyers of your products on the market, conducts technical and commercial negotiations with the customers regarding the supplies of your equipment, concludes contracts. Should a bidding take place, we will collect and prepare all the documents required for the participation, conclude all the necessary contracts for the supply of your equipment, as well as register the goods (fabric filters) and conduct customs clearance procedures. We will also register a certificate of transaction (Passport of Deal) required for all foreign trade contracts in the foreign currency control department of the authorized Russian bank so that currency transaction could be effected. If required, our company will implement an equipment spacing project in order to integrate your equipment into the existing or newly built production plant.

We are convinced that our company ‘Intech GmbH’ LLC (ООО «Интех ГмбХ»), will become your reliable, qualified and efficient partner & distributor in Russia.

We are always open for cooperation, so let’s move forward together!